....”by far the way”....wtf?? I didn’t type it like that! Or didn’t mean too. Well, I’m standing outside on a cold airport ramp. Must’ve fat-fingered it.
Sugar Shane
JoinedPosts by Sugar Shane
What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right
by pseudoxristos inmy first thought when seeing this headline was; "how could trump be right?
" even though i am registered as a republican, i don't really care for trump.
after reading the article, i still don't care for trump, but i had never considered many of the points brought out by the article.. january 17, 2018. what i learned in the peace corps in africa: trump is right.
What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right
by pseudoxristos inmy first thought when seeing this headline was; "how could trump be right?
" even though i am registered as a republican, i don't really care for trump.
after reading the article, i still don't care for trump, but i had never considered many of the points brought out by the article.. january 17, 2018. what i learned in the peace corps in africa: trump is right.
Sugar Shane
Nope, nope, nope - stop this LIE. They are completely different in behavior and in the harm they do.
Well, no and yes. Let’s put it all into some perspective. Sure, we don’t see the present-day Catholics executing Aztec natives who refuse to covert to Christianity, just as we don’t see “witches” getting burned alive by Protestants, anymore. But it DID happen, and there is no denying that. Thanks to historical movements such as the Renaissance, the age of enlightenment, the industrial revolution, the advance of science, and the birth of modern democracy, we don’t see that level of savagery in modern Christianity. Note that THROUGHOUT history, while the west was advancing in knowledge and technology, the MIDDLE EAST, especially the Arabian Peninsula, remained fairly isolated. The Wahhabists of present day Saudi Arabia were, more or less, still stuck in the 14th century when Royal Dutch Shell, and others discovered oil in the regiion during the 1920s-30s. Hence, they have had LESS than a century to go from 14th century Wahabbist Islam to the modern world. I’m NOT making excuses for them, in any way, just stating the facts. What’s made things WORSE, in my view, the the willingness of certain countries, including my own beloved USA, to look the other way when it comes to encourging these countries to REFORM. In other words, to HOLD THEIR FEET to the FIRE. Yet, because we have become so ADDICTED to their oil, we ignore their abysmal human rights record, which includes public beheadings, limb (hand or foot) decapitations, and lashings, Guest workers from India, Pakistan, and the Phillipines often bear the brunt of this, as do Saudi women. The Saudi men usually get off scot-free, and the western expats who work in the oil industry (geologists & engineers) are normally safe as well.
In so many words, we sort of helped create this monster. And, it doesn’t help the our current President sees fit to COZY UP to the corrupt Saudi regime. He’s real quick to lambast LEGAL immigration from “shit-hole” countries, yet gives the Saudis the old wink-wink & nod.
The TRUMPANZEES, er....Orangutans, who blindly support this dotard in chief, are fine with a complete travel ban placed on certain countries where RADICAL ISLAMISTS have been known to operate. YET, they are completely IGNORANT of the fact the these terrorists are influenced by the very same Wahhabist mindset that engulfs Saudi f’n Arabia!! Not to mention the funding, and “talent” that comes from Saudi, to the various networks in Yemen, Syria, ect. SAUDI is the problem. But hey, they have oil. PLUS....speaking of corruption, Donnie boy has EIGHT companies that are registered in Saudi Arabia. Hmmmm, no wonder he won’t release his finances. Just sayin.
I know I’ll get negative points from all the Trump lovers out there, bur it had to be said. By far the way, I was based in Dahran KSA, in the early 2000s, plus had an apartment in Bahrain. And, I’ve traveled extensively to UAE and Egypt. Eastern Africa not as much. West Africa, never. Well, not YET. LoL.
What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right
by pseudoxristos inmy first thought when seeing this headline was; "how could trump be right?
" even though i am registered as a republican, i don't really care for trump.
after reading the article, i still don't care for trump, but i had never considered many of the points brought out by the article.. january 17, 2018. what i learned in the peace corps in africa: trump is right.
Sugar Shane
To the OP.
Trump=right about the immigrants from all those shit-hole countries?
Consider what Major Ademola Fabayo-a NIGERIAN born American Citizen, did in the MARINE CORPS!!
He earned the Navy Cross (2nd only to the Medal of Honor) in combat valor. He navigated the kill zone ON FOOT, “engaging the enemy at close range with his M-4 rifle.” He moved under heavy fire to recover a wounded US soldier, then drove an unarmored truck to locate a team of missing Marines.
Oh... but he was just from one of those shit-hole countries, right???
Hey! What about Marine Staff Sgt. Juan Rodriguez-Chavez, who is from MEXICO, originally. He ALSO earned the NAVY CROSS, by penetrating that same kill zone three times, while under intense enemy fire!!
Pfc. Emmanuel Mensah, a member of the Army National Guard who immigrated from GHANA several years ago, was killed in a Dec. 28 fire in New York’s Bronx section while attempting to rescue others. He saved four lives, and will receive the Soldiers Medal—the HIGHEST Army award outside of combat duty.
OH, I’M NOT FINISHED, YET...TRUMPTARDS!!!!! You still with me??? Or have you already succumbed to yelling “lelelelele!!” with your fingers jammed in your ears?
Pictured here, is the...
Iimage of a tearful Haitian immigrant at his commencement ceremony at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., 2nd Lt. Alix Schoelcher Idrache, went viral after the Army published it.
In his own words...“Knowing that one day I will be a pilot is humbling beyond words,” Idrache wrote in an Instagram post. “I could not help but be flooded with emotions knowing that I will be leading these men and women who are willing to give their all to preserve what we value as the American way of life. To me, that is the greatest honor. Once again, thank you.”
Over half a million of our vets are foreign born. Many coming from these “shit-hole,” countries. They make it possible for us to enjoy our many freedoms. This includes the freedom of our draft-dodging, Russia loving, porn-star chasing, US president to use his own mouth like a SHITHOLE.
I hope you Trumpanzees are satisfied. -
Abuse file leaks!! Hot off the press. Dayum!
by Sugar Shane inwell, here we go.
hang on & grab some popcorn:.
Sugar Shane
Well, here we go. Hang on & grab some popcorn:
March 2018 Study Watchtower
by Listener inthe first study article is about getting bible studies and children baptized.
there is much more emphasis placed on parents to get their own children baptized rather than focusing on bible students.
they try to impress on others the need for urgency.
Sugar Shane
I’m pretty sure that previous WT articles, from years’ past, actually made the case for NOT baptizing young kids. I distinctly remember a WItness telling me, years ago, that “we don’t do child baptisms, as those Catholics do.”
It would be nice to have some references to the old articles which discouraged child baptism to shove in their faces.
11-5-17 Warwick Protest Photos
by thebrokenkite inlet the reader use discernment:.
i was disfellowshipped in june of last year.
while i've been awake for nearly a year, i still often feel groggy.
Sugar Shane
And what's the funniest thing of all, is that you all are talking about it. That my dear is the point.
Right on, Heather. My perspective is that of a non/never been JW. I hate all cults in general, and I see the common thread among them: shunning, broken familes, “we’re the ONLY true religion,” huge commitment. (waste) of time and/or money, wasted lives, brainwashing, suicide & depression.
I see them as a cancer on society, and I believe that ANY action (nonviolent), which brings attention to a cult, is a worthy cause. Sure, it feeds the persecution complex of those already in the cult, which causes many to say, “why bother?” Just “live your life.” If I had been a JW, then I might share that mindset, out of a desire to stay as far removed as possible any memories of my association with them, or to distance myself from friends & family still in the cult. As an outsider, I see it more as informing the general public about this cult. The more publicity there is about their blood policy & needless child deaths caused by it, the better. The more publicity about their rampant child abuse coverup and their data-base of over 25,000 pedophiles, the better.
People were talking about Scientology before Leah Remini stepped in, but she’s since taken it to a whole new level. The same needs to happen to the Watchtower, for the benefit of everyone.
Sure, the rank & file cult member will pretty much nod their head up & down, lapping up whatever useless drivel pours out of their ‘dear leader’s’ mouth. BUT...if enough people make enough noise about it, then the cult leaders either change, runaway to a remote tax haven, or jump off a 50 story building. This, in turn, forces the rank & file to accept reality, or go insane. Kinda reminds one of the end of WW2, when the Nazis scattered, and Hirohito announced to the Japanese citizenry, that, in fact, he really WASN’T their GOD after all.
@Heather, here’s a quote you might like: “Lead me, follow me, or get out of the way”—-General George Patton
B.A.C.A. Bikers Against Child Abuse
by Sugar Shane inthis has been brought up on another thread, but i thought to create a seperate thread just to get the word out about these guys.
they're badasses who stand up for abused kids.
they'll ride into the neighborhood, in a rumbling mass of loud v-pipe music (noise), and personally confront the abuser, if need be.
Sugar Shane
No problem. BTW, anyone with concerns may contact them: parents, teachers, counselers, ect. When an abuse case goes before the court, the bikers will appear to provide support to the victim/s, who must often face their abuser-- sounds like the JWs so-called "judicial committee," doesn't it? In this setting, the victim feels more confident, and the abuser is looking for the nearest exit, with a group of scary-ass looking bikers staring him down.
If you want to join, you'll have to pass a police background check, to make sure you can be trusted around kids. A misdemeanor assault charge from a bar-brawl, from a few years back, probably wouldn't be a huge issue. In fact, it might be a plus.
You'll also need a bike. But doesn't have to be a Harley, or even a V-twin. Kawasaki V-Star, or Honda Rebel would be my recommendation for a starter bike. FWIW.
B.A.C.A. Bikers Against Child Abuse
by Sugar Shane inthis has been brought up on another thread, but i thought to create a seperate thread just to get the word out about these guys.
they're badasses who stand up for abused kids.
they'll ride into the neighborhood, in a rumbling mass of loud v-pipe music (noise), and personally confront the abuser, if need be.
Sugar Shane
This has been brought up on another thread, but I thought to create a seperate thread just to get the word out about these guys. They're badasses who stand up for abused kids. They'll ride into the neighborhood, in a rumbling mass of loud V-pipe music (noise), and personally confront the abuser, if need be. Though some of these guys look like they're straight outta the Hell's Angels, they actually work in conjunction with law enforcement and local courts, to offer protection to the abused, and to support the child, and often their single-parent, IN the courtroom. Their goal is also to indimidate to living fuck out of the abuser, or molester as the case may be. The courts normally refer cases to B.A.C.A., but I wouldn't be too surprised, if you got to know them a little, or if you became a 'prospect,' that they wouldn't mind roaring by the Kingdom Hall in your area. They HAVE been a presence at some of the Westboro Baptist Church protests...you know, the ones with the "God hates Fags" signs, who protest funerals of fallen military.
B.A.C.A. has chapters in every state, and in several countries (kinda like the H Angels, but they're the good guys). Here's their main website:
And, since I mentioned it, here they are in my home state, sticking it to the Westboro Baptists. I was there, and it was fucking awesome:
Warwick Protest 11-5-2017 - Who's all going?
by Acluetofindtheuser inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64xhcoowr6y.
Sugar Shane
B.A.C.A. is a 501c non-profit, so they might take a donation, or a ration of grilled burgers & steaks. They often show up at court hearings to represent the child, and basically stare down and indimidate the fuck out of the abuser/molester. That being the case, the Mayor of Warwick, a judge, sheriff or city attorney would very likely be familiar with B.A.C.A., and would probably welcome them with open arms. To anyone organizing this event, I would STRONGLY suggest you contact a such a local official, and explain the JW child abuse problem to them. Maybe some former victims can talk to them as well. I'm sure they've already been contacted about the protests in general, so I would not think of it as a stretch to get them on board with B.A.C.A., and to make contact with them. But, best to get on it like now. First thing in the morning.
That's not to say that you/organizers shouldn't contact B.A.C.A. as well, but the city officials in Warwick likely have an existing rapport with the group. BTW, these Harley riding, scary looking, wooley-mammouths-in-human-form, ALL undergo a thorough police background check. They also receive intensive training in counseling, ect. I think there are a few ex- 1 percenters from waay back when, but all good dudes (& chicks).
Here's the anti-Westboro meetup I went to. As you can see, the cops were right there. Westboro protesters were chanting "God Hates Fags" & "Down with Soldiers," ect, but they couldn't compete with V-TWIN PIPES. Haha.
Warwick Protest 11-5-2017 - Who's all going?
by Acluetofindtheuser inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64xhcoowr6y.
Sugar Shane
Sh!te! While I'm thinking about it, there's a B.A.C.A. (Bikers Against Child Abuse) chapter in Staten Island, which is probably the closest one to Warwick. The chapter Prez goes by "Demo," and their local hot-line is tel: 347-216-6531
It's short notice, but if any of the November 5th organizers are in this site and want to give em a yell, they might...just maybe, be able to organize a rumbling mass of Harleys to cruise up to Warwick and make a stand. I went to a similar event against the Westboro Baptists. I think there's Youtube video of it out there.
I hate cults.